Network Resources: Training and Technical Assistance

The Circle of Parents national network offers members of its network the following:

  • Access to national technical assistance from current experts in the field;
  • The opportunity to send volunteers or staff to a Train the Trainers Institute on group facilitation;
  • A national facilitator manual, children’s program manual, and parent handbook developed by a national team of parent leaders;
  • Participation in technical assistance conference calls with nationally-known speakers several times a year;
  • National capacity-building development expertise;
  • Strengths-based on-going peer review;
  • Peer mentoring;
  • Access to Circle of Parents’ national staff expertise; and
  • Access to Circle of Parents’ national partners, including Prevent Child Abuse America; and
  • Resources available from all member organizations.

Network Resources: Brand Identity and Usage

Documents available to download are provided in Adobe PDF format and require the Acrobat Reader for access. Visit for program details.

Name and Description

The Circle of Parents identity refers specifically to the national network, which promotes parent self-help mutual support programs and the state networks supporting them.


Do not shorten to CoP.

For external audiences use “Circle of Parents” with a ® superscripted so that it looks like Circle of Parents® and a footnote saying:

“Circle of Parents® is a national network of mutual support and self-help programs in partnership with communities.”

For internal audiences use “Circle” after the first reference and the above footnote.

Graphic Guidelines

The Circle of Parents graphic guidelines manual provides details about logo, color and typographic usage. It is available to download.

Network Resources: Articles

Available to Download:

Documents available to download are provided in Adobe PDF format and require the Acrobat Reader for access. Visit for program details.

Mutual Self-Help Parent Support Groups in the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect 

Circles of Parent Strategic Plan Executive Summary

Circles of Parent Strategic Plan

Circle of Parents National Evaluation

Circles of Parent Leadership
These circles of parent leadership show examples of different ways parents can grow.

Network Resources: Circle of Parents Publications

Available to Download: 

How to Build a State Network Guide
The manual is a guide to use while developing a new Circle of Parents state network or as a reference while reviewing an existing network. Its intent is to share what Circle of Parents members have found to be useful when starting a new network.

From Dads to Grandparents to Parents in Recovery: States’ Experiences in Supporting Diverse Populations 
This resource profiles the experiences of efforts in nine states to provide mutual self-help parent support groups.

          • Fathers
          • Grandparents raising grandchildren
          • Incarcerated parents
          • Parents raising children with special needs
          • Parents in recovery
          • Rural parents

This document describes the contextual factors these groups face, and provides information on the different strategies states used to best meet the needs of families. A range of references through which to access additional information is also provided.

Parent Leadership Development Checklist


Visit for other publications produced by Circle of Parents in partnership with the FRIENDS National Resource Center

Network Resources: Child Abuse Prevention Month Materials

Strengthening Families & Communities Resource Guide
2015 Community Resource Packet: Making Meaningful Connections.

The Resource Guide focuses on six protective factors that have been shown to protect children from the risk of abuse and neglect. Information about these protective factors is augmented with tools and strategies for integrating these factors into existing community programs and systems. Agencies, policymakers, advocates, and service providers alike will find resources in this book to help them promote these six protective factors in communities and families. Parent Tip sheets in both English and Spanish are included at the end of the packet.

Visit for previous materials.

Network Resources: Working with the Media

Below is a sample press release available to download. This document is provided in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and requires the Acrobat Reader for access. Visit for program info.