I am a Circle of Parents parent and I believe in Circle of Parents. The program model works because parents are involved at every level. But more importantly, parents can grow to be better parents, better leaders and have the self confidence to do things they never dreamed of.
I have been a group participant, worked within an organization on a state level, and now I am on the national board. The people I have met at Circle of Parents helped me cope with my children, be a better parent and blossom into a leader.
With all the help Circle of Parents has given me, I feel like I need to help other parents be the best they can be. When I began in a support group years ago, I never would have imagined it would to me being on the national board someday.
People supported me and pushed me. All along my journey, people supported me, pushed me and made me feel empowered. My confidence and self esteem grew until now I can stand in front of a room full of people, tell my story and teach others how to make this happen for themselves and the parents in their lives. Without Circle of Parents this wouldn’t have been possible.
Dawn Patzer
Parent Leader